Dataset Dependencies

Datasets in maven can be published either as conventional jar archives or as specially typed artifacts such as csv.bz2 or ttl.gz.

If a dataset is packaged as a conventional jar file, then one can also use a conventional dependency declaration in order to place the contained file(s) on the classpath.

Otherwise, the maven-dependency-plugin:copy goal can be used to place a set of typed artifact into their right place. Typically, one wants to place datasets from typed artifacts in the same location as if they had been placed under /src/main/resources. This is accomplished by configuring maven-dependency-plugin to copy dependencies to the output directory ${}. Setting stripVersion=true produces a file whose name is independent from the dependency version and thus makes it easy to reference it from the source code. A complete example is shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

            <!-- For a reference of all configuration options for the 'copy' goal 
              refer to: -->
              Setting 'stripVersion=true' results in the file
              whereas 'stripVersion=false' results in the file
              The former file name is easier to reference from code
                  <!-- The setting of the output directory resolves to 'target/classes' 
                    which is the same place where files under src/main/resources go -->
